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Timetable for all bus connections from Bratislava to Prague
- Prague with Union-Ivkoni show detailed timetable
(+1 day)
Detailed timetable
Bratislava - Prague with Union-Ivkoni at 22:30 hScheduled on:
Wed, Sat
- Sofia
- BratislavaБратислава, ,
- Brno
- PragueBus Station Florenc, Krizikova, 345/4
- Dresden
- Leipzig
- Berlin
- Magdeburg
- Hanover
- Bremen
- Hamburg
Departure: 22:30 h
Arrival: 03:01 h
Duration: 4:31
Wed, Sat
Sofia - Bratislava - Brno - Prague - Dresden - Leipzig - Berlin - Magdeburg - Hanover - Bremen - Hamburg
01 €