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Timetable for all bus connections from Sofia to Salzburg
- Salzburg with Union-Ivkoni show detailed timetable
(+1 day)
Detailed timetable
Sofia - Salzburg with Union-Ivkoni at 09:30 hScheduled on:
Mon, Thu, Fri, Sun
- SofiaBus station "Serdika" / Traffic Market, blvd. "Maria Luisa", main station place
- Vienna
- Linz
- SalzburgMain railway station, Lasten Str., 12, near the exit
- Munich
- Augsburg
- Ulm
- Stuttgart
- Mannheim
- Kaiserslautern
- Saarbrücken
- Metz
- Reims
- Paris
- Orléans
- Tours
- Angers
- Nantes
- Rennes
Departure: 09:30 h
Arrival: 04:30 h
Duration: 19:00
Mon, Thu, Fri, Sun
Sofia - Vienna - Linz - Salzburg - Munich - Augsburg - Ulm - Stuttgart - Mannheim - Kaiserslautern - Saarbrücken - Metz - Reims - Paris - Orléans - Tours - Angers - Nantes - Rennes
98 €
- Salzburg with Karat-S AD show detailed timetable
(+1 day)
Detailed timetable
Sofia - Salzburg with Karat-S AD at 14:00 hScheduled on:
Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun
- SofiaBus station "Serdika" / Traffic Market, blvd. "Maria Luisa", main station place
- SalzburgP&R Salzburg Süd, Alpenstrasse süd, parking near the rail station Salzburg South
Departure: 14:00 h
Arrival: 11:20 h
Duration: 21:20
Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun
Sofia - Salzburg
00 €