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Timetable for all bus connections from Pleven to Isperih
- Isperih with Union-Ivkoni show detailed timetable
Detailed timetable
Pleven - Isperih with Union-Ivkoni at 10:45 hScheduled on:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
- Sofia
- Rumyantsevo
- PlevenBus Station "Pleven", ulitsa "Ivan Mindilikov", 7
- Rousse
- Kubrat
- IsperihBus station "Isperih", ulitsa "Ivan Vazov", 13
- Dulovo
- Silistra
Departure: 10:45 h
Arrival: 14:50 h
Duration: 4:05
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Sofia - Rumyantsevo - Pleven - Rousse - Kubrat - Isperih - Dulovo - Silistra
26 €