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Bus stops in Bucharest

  1. Piaţa Unirii - Hotel Horoscop
    Address: blvd. "Dimitrie Cantemir" 2
  2. Bus Station "Rahova"
    Address: "Alexandria" str. 164
  3. Bus station "Filaret"
    Address: "Doctor Constantin Istrati" str. 1
  4. Bucharest Memento Bus Terminal
    Address: Soseaua Orhideelor 49
  5. Bucharest Henri Coandă Airport
    Address: Arrival parking lot
  6. Bucharest Piata Victoriei
    Address: Piaţa Victoriei
  7. Bucharest Piata Romana
    Address: Piața Romană
  8. Bucharest Calea Grivitei
    Address: Calea Grivitei 134
  9. Bucharest Hello Hotel
    Address: Calea Griviței 143
  10. Bucharest Ibis Gare De Nord Hotel
    Address: Calea Griviței 143
  11. Bucharest Parliament Hotel
    Address: Strada Izvor 92
  12. Bucharest Ibis Palatul Parlamentului Hotel
    Address: Strada Izvor 82
  13. Bucharest JW Marriott Hotel
    Address: Calea 13 Septembrie 90
  14. Bucharest International Hotel
    Address: Strada Căuzași 27
  15. Bucharest Europa Royale Hotel
    Address: Strada Franceză 60
  16. Bucharest Sheraton Hotel
    Address: Calea Dorobanți 5
  17. Bucharest Hilton Garden Inn Hotel
    Address: Strada Doamnei 12
  18. Bucharest Autogara Militari Bus Station
    Address: Strada Valea Cascadelor
  19. Bucharest Intrarea Sevastopol
    Address: Intrarea Sevastopol 4

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