Buy your bus ticket from Yakoruda to Blagoevgrad online!
Timetable for all bus connections from Yakoruda to Blagoevgrad
- Blagoevgrad with Struma 11 OOD show detailed timetable
Detailed timetable
Yakoruda - Blagoevgrad with Struma 11 OOD at 07:00 hScheduled on:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
- YakorudaАГ "Якоруда", ул. "Стокевица", до училището
- Yurukovo
- Dagonovo
- Belitsa
- Razlog
- Predel (pass)
- Gradevo
- Simitli
- BlagoevgradBus station Blagoevgrad, bulevard "Sveti Dimitar Solunski", 23
Departure: 07:00 h
Arrival: 08:45 h
Duration: 1:45
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
Yakoruda - Yurukovo - Dagonovo - Belitsa - Razlog - Predel (pass) - Gradevo - Simitli - Blagoevgrad
63 €